For 'HOW TO' See: Dry Method

Rhizopon AA dry powder rooting hormones


After the plant name is the product number for Rhizopon AA #1, #2 and #3 dry dip rooting hormones.
Various rates may be used for species dependent upon the variety, time of the year, condition of the stock plants, facility, environmental factors, and other variables


A, B, C Abelia  #1
Acanthopanax  #3
African  Violet  #1
Ageratum  #1
Andromeda  #1
Apple,  Malus  #2  or  #3
Arborvitae  #2  or  #3
Arbutus  #3
Ardisia  #2
Azalea  var.  #1,  #2  or  #3
Barberry  #1
Bayberry  #1
Beauty  Bush  #3
Beauty  Berry  #1
Beech  #2
Begonia  #1
Birch  #3
Bittersweet  #3
Blackberry  #1
Bluebeard  #1
Blueberry  #1  or  #2
Bougainvillea  #3
Boxwood  #3
Broom  #1  or  #2
Butterfly  Bush  #1
Camellia  #3
Candytuft  #1
Carnation  #3
Catalpa  #3
Chaste  Tree  #3
Chestnut  #3
Chokeberry  #2  or  #3
Chrysanthemum  #2
Cinquefoil  #2
Clematis  #2  or  #3
Clerodendron  #1
Clockvine  #1
Coleus  #1
Cotoneaster  #3
Crab  Apple  #2  or  #3
Cape  Myrtle  #1
Crassula  #1
Creeper  #1
Croton  #1
Cryptomeria  #3
Currant  #1
D, E. F, G Dahlia  #2
Daphne  #1  or  #2
Deutzia  #1
Dew  Berry  #1
Dogwood  #3
Douglas  Fir  #3
Dove  Tree  #1
Dracaena  #1
Dutchman’s  Pipe  #1
Elder  #1  or  #2
Escallonia  #2
False  Arborvitae  #2
Firethorne  #1  or  #2
Flowering  Cherry  #1
Flowering  Quince  #3
Fontanesia  #1
Forsythia  #1
Franklinia  #2
Fringe  Tree  #2
Fuchsia  #1
Gardenia  #1,  #2  or  #3
Geranium  #1
Germander  #2  or  #3
Ginkgo  #2
Golden  Chain  #2
Grape  #3
H, I, J, K Hawthorn  #3
Hazelnut  #1  or  #2
Heath  #3
Heather  #3
Hemlock  #2  or  #3
Hibiscus  #2  or  #3
Holly,  Japanese  #2
Holly,  American  #3
Honeysuckle  #2
Hydrangea  #2

Jetbead  #1
Juniper  var.  #2  or  #3

Kerria  #1
Knotwood  #3
L, M, N Laburnocytisus  #1  or  #2
Lantana  #1
Laurel  #3
Lavender  #2
Leucothoe  #2
Lilac  #3
Lily  Scales  #1  or  #2
Linden  #1
Locust  #3
Magnolia  #2  or  #3
Manzanita  #3
Maple,  Japanese  #3
Matrimony  Vine  #3
Melastoma  #1
Mock  Orange  #1
Mulberry  #1
Ninebark  #3
Norway  Spruce  #1
O. P, Q, R Oak  #3
Oleander  #2
Olive  #3
Orange,  sour  #3
Orixa  #1
Osage  Orange  #1
Osmanthus  #2
Pachysandra  #2  or  #3
Pea  Shrub  #1
Pear  rootstocks  #3
Pecan  #3
Penstemon  #1
Periwinkle  #2
Petunia  #2  or  #3
Philodendron  #1
Phlox  #1
Photinia  #3
Pine  var.  #2  or  #3
Poinsettia  #1
Poplar  #1
Prickly  Pear  Cactus  #1
Privet  #3
Raspberry  #1
Retinospora  #3
Rhododendron  var.  #3
Rose  #1,  #2  or  #3
Russian  Olive  #3
S, T, U, V Sage  #1
Sequoia  #2
Snapdragon  #1
Snow  Berry  #1
Sourwood  #3
Speedwell  #1
Spiraea  #1
Springscent  #2
Spruce  var.  #2
St.  Johnswort  #1
Stevia  #1
Stewartia  #1
Sweet  Leaf  #1
Trumpet  Creeper  #1
Tulip  Tree  #3
Umbrella  Pine  #3
Verbena  #1
Viburnum  #1
W, X, Y, Z Waxmyrtle  #1
Weigela  #1
Willow  #1
Wintergreen  #2
Wisteria  #2
Witch  Hazel  #2
Yellow  Wood  #2
Yew  var.  #3
Zelkova  #2

Rhizopon Rooting Guide. Rhizopon, Hazerswoude, Holland

The suggestions for the use of Rhizopon AA #1, #2 and #3, and Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts are based on the outcome of tests and experiments carried out by international testing stations, research centers, scientific publications and Rhizopon and Hortus USA's own research. Testing is essential. Suitable test rates should be used on a small portion of the crop before doing extensive treatment. Select the rate which provides the desired effect. The actual conditions at your facility may not be the same as the place were the data was obtained. You might find highly successful results if you vary the concentrations somewhat from the listed amount.


Griffin Greenhouse Supplies, 800-888-0054,
Order through your local horticultural supplier. They should order through Griffin

Buy Rhizopon AA #1, #2, and #3 DRY POWDER ROOTING PRODUCTS from
Hummert Int'l Gemplers BerryHill BFGSupply

For export to any country outside the US, order from: Hummert Int’l

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